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OveallgoTM VisionShift CustomFocus Precision naočale za čitanje s prilagodljivim fokusom

Sale Price $52.46 Regular Price Regular Price

Reading is the food of imagination and fantasy, no to blurry vision!

Do you hate that eyeglasses come in one size-fits-all frames that may or may not be comfortable for you? Are you tired of buying new ones every six months when your prescription changes? 

 Achieving Perfect Vision - The Innovative Technology

According to the World Health Organization, 1.3 billion people worldwide live with some form of vision impairment. This can have a significant impact on their quality of life, limiting their ability to work, learn, and participate in social activities.

Fortunately, advances in technology have made it possible to improve vision and enhance the lives of those with visual impairments. All of us glasses wearers have been there. You sit at the chair and you spend twenty or thirty minutes telling the optometrist if lens 1 or 2 was better, and hoping we decided correctly when both looked almost exactly the same because once we’ve placed the order there was no going back, until six months later when we came to get new ones as our number has increased. This is precisely what the revolutionary new adjustable eyeglasses have come to change forever!

See what our verified customers are saying:

"Good god I’ve gone through at least five pairs of uncomfortable glasses already, it might be my abnormal face shape but its only once I tried these Oveallgo™ VisionShift Adjustable Focus Glasses that I realized how much I needed a frame I could manually adjust to my face. I was really afraid they would look weird but they actually look really cool, and don’t clash with my outfit! All I need is to turn the dial till I see perfectly and they’re so comfortable!! "
Kevin Jacobs, 64, Birmingham, Alabama
"My son has been struggling to see the white board in class, we did get him a pair of glasses but he would complain that it was still difficult to see sometimes, like his eyesight would vary slightly from time to my during the day. Now we got him Oveallgo™ VisionShift Adjustable Focus Glasses and he can see perfectly at any time of the day!"
Natalie Hudson, 41, Vallejo, California

The science behind Oveallgo™ VisionShift Adjustable Focus Glasses

Adjustable lens glasses are a type of eyewear that allows the wearer to adjust the focus of the lenses to their desired prescription. The science behind these glasses is based on the principles of refraction and accommodation.

"When light enters the eye, it is refracted by the cornea and the lens before it reaches the retina. In people with vision problems, the light is not refracted correctly, leading to blurry vision. Corrective lenses work by bending the light in a way that compensates for the refractive error and focuses the light onto the retina. Adjustable lens glasses use a variety of mechanisms to allow the wearer to adjust the focus of the lenses. The Oveallgo™ VisionShift Adjustable Focus Glasses uses a sliding mechanism that changes the distance between two lenses to adjust the focus."
Dr. Sandy Nielsen, Optometrist, Nebraska Eyecare

Key Product Features:

✔️ Adjustable Dual Lens Technology
A turn of the dial and the glasses can easily switch from + to – to regular 0 glass if need be on the Oveallgo™ VisionShift Adjustable Focus Glasses. Enjoy crisp focus instantly both up close and far away.without the need for multiple pairs of glasses.

✔️ Visual Acuity
Correcting hyperopia (farsightedness) & Correcting myopia (nearsightedness) 

✔️ Adjustable Frame
Match the frame to your head so that you never have to deal with those glasses “press” lines on the sides of your head.

✔️ Cost Savings
Since you only need one pair of Oveallgo™ VisionShift Adjustable Focus Glasses instead of multiple pairs they can help you save on the cost of purchasing multiple pairs of glasses.

✔️ TR90 Material
Oveallgo™ VisionShift Adjustable Focus Glasses are made of high-quality Optician-Grade Plastic frames, flexible and durable enough to suit all face shapes and comfortable wear.

✔️ Most Versatile
Use our Oveallgo™ VisionShift Adjustable Focus Glasses in your daily life, such as: reading messages, using a computer, reading a book, or hobby/DIY. Simply turn the hidden dial to change focus. One pair for everything!

✔️ Suitable for Multiple Users
Our focus adjustable reading glasses are great for both men, women, and elders.

Usage Direction:

  1. Put on the glasses and adjust the frame according to your preference
  2. Turn the dial on  each sides of the frame to adjust the lens for your correct vision
  3. Close each eye one at a time while adjusting the lens
  4. Wear it regularly to correct Hyperopia or Myopia incase you have it
  5. Always polish the lenses to keep it clean and free from dust that might cause eye irritations


  • Lens Color: Clear
  • Frame Color: Black

Package Inclusion:

  • 1 x Oveallgo™ VisionShift Adjustable Focus Glasses




